Grooved Grips Produce Amazing Golf Ball Flight


The grooved golf grips produced amazing golf ball flight for PGA club professional at Prestonwoods golf course. The PGA member warmed up with his driver until comfortable. It should be noted he never has worn a glove, so both tests were without a golf glove.

He then hit five drives with his driver that were recorded on a Trackman radar device. His driver was the latest Nike design with an X shaft and a conventional grip. This was followed without practice swings by 5 drives with the test driver. The test driver selected at random from a barrel in a driving range was is a many year old Titleist with a stiff shaft but with the grooved golf grip. The balls were from the range.

IMPACT SPOT: The impact spot on the each driver face was recorded for the five drives. He hit his driver (above) more in the center of the club face than he did with the test driver (image below).

BALL FLIGHT AND LANDING SITE: The results showed that he was on average 10 yards shorter with the test driver. He drove it average of 297.8 yards with his driver. However the short to long dispersion varied dispersion from 285 to 329 yards. This was 44 yards variance compared to 14 yards for the test driver.

The right to left dispersion was 180 feet with his driver, both right and left from the white vertical target line. The test driver landing sites were all left of the target line as his ball flight was a consistent draw with the test club. The dispersion right to left was 62 feet. The dispersion was reduced from 180 feet to 62 feet with the grooved grip on the test driver.

The larger circle is the pattern outline achieved with his driver. The smaller outline is what was produced with the test driver with grooved golf grips and no practice swings. The no practice swing routine has been a standard for our testing in order to bias the results against the performance of the grooved golf grips.

This is further evidence that the grooved golf grips influence in a positive manner decreasing the dispersion right to left and have the distant landing spot to be more compact. This is clearly more evidence of making a difference.

IMPORTANT OBSERVATION: It appears the impact spot is important perhaps to a solid hit but having a well centered impact spot on the driver face will still allow for misdirection probably dependent upon the swing path. Both impact spot and swing path are important to well directed ball flight. He has slightly less optimal impact spot with the test club he had never used before, but much improved swing path.