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Difference MAKAR for the Tour
“Best Feel Ever” Putter Grip: This new silicone beaded putter grip gives the best feel ever. It is a Difference Makar for your game with the grove grip technology.
Weight: 70 grams.
Diameter: 1 1/8 diameter with flat surface.
Length: 12 ¾ inches.
Surface: Polyurethane with silicone beading.

Price: $27.00 Add to cart
Note: This grip facilitates all the latest trends in putting.
LITE: Because it is light; LITE. It is perhaps the lightest of putter grips at 44 grams and thereby provides the player with more feel as the putter head impacts the ball.
LENGTH: The length of 13 inches allows a variety of ways to hold the grip; full length or choke down. (See below)
GROOVED: More importantly it has the patented grooves that give “mo feel” via the player’s neuro-sensory system. Proprioception is enhanced.
SHAPE: Traditional.
SIZE: 1.5 inch diameter.
AIM: Aim is 300% better by independent testing.
PATH: The delivery of the putter face to the target is improved.
BLACK COLOR: Does not show dirt or wear.
MAXIMIZING YOUR GRIP ON PUTTING: The means of holding this grip to maximize its benefit is derived from Mark McNulty’s method. Mark is one of the best all time putters on Tour. He holds the grip in a manner to maximize the index finger feel. The index fingers are the most sensitive part of the hand. In fact the testing shows the finger tips are twice as sensitive as the palms of the hands.

In putting, as well as driver/iron, the skin impression signals to the golfer via the enhanced neurosensory input the shape of the shaft and the position of the shaft in space. The groove impression on the skin takes the function to a level higher than the existing flat putter grip shape.
3 grooves; one on the flat top and on both sides
Length: 13 inches; Diameter: 1.5 inches
Weight: 44 grams
INTRODUCTORY PRICE: $25.00 (for 2 or more, $21.50 each) Add to cart
Conventional Putter Grips
Standard Size:
Durometer: 50
Weight: 69-71 grams
INTRODUCTORY PRICE: $15.00 (for 2 or more, $12.50 each) Add to cart
Fitting Instructions View
REALLY IMPORTANT TO GET THE GROOVES STRAIGHT: These only work when the grooves are STRAIGHT, all the way down in line with the shaft. BUY THE Putter Grip Alignment Laser.
IMPORTANT GRIP CARE: Care of Natural Rubber Golf Grips View